Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Results after the Norwegian KC last show of the year. It's a CACIB show, and BOB & BOS get the title Norwegian Winner 2007 (NW-07). Int Nordic NV-02 NordicW-06 Movado b´Doria was BOB over 26 Italian greyhounds! 10 years old and she did a fantastic performance! She was also Best in Show Veteran!

The night before at the winner gala, 2 veterans from here where entered at the veteran gala. IG Ch Movado b´Doria (Dora) and toy poodle Ch Haggai Sleep to dream (Neon). Neon beated everybody, but his last round, just before the final round he met the cairn terrier... and was beaten. Then it was Dora´s turn, she was also beaten by the cairn terrier.. but we are proud to be no 2 and 3 at the veteran gala! On Friday Neon was BIS-4 veteran!

Int* N Fin EstCh Portinbo´s Lille Gunda was 2nd best bitch in big competition in Chinese cresteds (89 cresteds total)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

New Breeding Plans!



New breeding plans! Nch Eugenios Nougat Bonbon will be bred to Nch Eugenios Apollon. We are very excited about this combination, we expect typey, well built and well moving little cresteds! Both Apollon and Nuggi have done really well in the show rings, both have exquisite heads, skin and temperament, and both are true hairless. If you are interested,, drop me a line :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Updates for November 07

Wow, almost a month has gone by, and I had promised to be better at updating!! Sorry....

Anyhow, Ninni was in Denmark and was 3rd best bitch with the CC so when she turns 2 yrs old and gets her last Norwegian CC needed for her title she'll be Norwegian and Danish Champion!!

Carlos the Xolo was also in Denmark, he was BOB with CC and CACIB so he can now title himself as Norwegian & Danish Champion Local hero´s Lucky Leopard! He only needs 1 CACIB to fulfil his International Championship and the aim has been put on Sweden for that Cacib and a CC of course!

Check out the new Eugenios puppies!! Chinese crested & poodle puppies are looking for new homes :)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Long time, no updates.... shame on me, the so called webmaster! There are lots of news, let's see if we can see what's happened since august:


Ch Portinbo´s Lille Gunda & Ch Eugenios Apollon have been going BOB and BOS, generously sharing these placements between them. Both got CACIB at the last show in Norway in Kongsvinger! Gunda has finished her International Championship! It's not an easy title to get, and certainly not amongst this breed so we are extremely proud of her new title!

This pair is quite has quite different qualities, even if they keep on being paired up to go against each other for the BOB. Apollon is soundly constructed, with the most perfect straight back, long well set neck and a beautiful masculine head and generous angulations while Gunda has the bubbling personality, superb showmanship, very showy markings and lots of furnishings in a small but extremely energetic package.

Good old Dora has been racking up some points in the competition for the Italian Greyhound of the year. She's also gotten some very nice BIS placements in veterans along with oldie but goldie Neon, Multi Ch Haggai Sleep to Dream, both will make an appearance at the Veteran Gala at the Gala dinner at the show in Hamar. Be sure to cheer them on!

Ninni is in the lead for Norway's top Italian Greyhound and her sire is in the lead as stud of this year.

The newest Italian Greyhound litter by Laila and Joey have also been showing themselves in the ring with great results. Toshi was exported to Japan where he is a happy housedog living with 2 other IGs. Before he left he was entered to a show where he ended up as BOB puppy!
Thank you to Ingunn Solberg Ericson for this beautiful photo of Toshi.

5 puppies from this litter have been shown, all with BOB, BOS and there's even one with a group win at her very first show. They will turn 9. months in November so keep a lookout for them in the junior class at coming shows.

And a drumroll.......................... new Japanese import, it's a bird... it´s a plane noooooooo it's a SMASH POODLE!!!!!!

And not only some Smash poodle, but a grandson the one and only BIS winner, WW-07 SW-06 Int Am Swe Jkc MexCh Smash JP Talk About!!

So here he is, not the best of pictures but you have to see him! Smash JP Lovin´Life aka Toshi the poodle!

There's a lot happening in white poodles at the moment, very exciting things, 2 other imports, a bitch from Finland and a male from Australia, also 2 new toy bitches sired by Eugenios Drops of Champagne.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

August 2007 Update

Some news from this summer, Ninni the IG has been shown with good results, she has some more CCs on her back as well as BOB and group placements, she went to Sweden and got a CC there as well as being BOB:)

Victor, the dwarf poodle is now a SWEDISH champion! He was 3rd best male in Avesta on June 17th. Jessica (E. Definitly Maybe) was 2nd best bitch, right after the CC, so she didn't become a champion this time, but we'll try again.

Apollon was shown in Avesta as well, he was 4th best male in big competition, he was, like Jessica, 2nd after the CC.